The 'tags' are now available online (please note the posting instructions) for anyone to print and post.
Tree Mapping
The City of Shoreline does not keep an accurate record of the existing tall tree canopy and has not allocated the resources to create a complete map of our trees. The existing tree canopy is measured only by drone every seven years. “iSeaTree” is an excellent community based tool to start mapping out trees in Shoreline.
Save Shoreline Trees supports 'iSeaTree', a community science mobile application for documenting King County trees. Built for all ages and all skill levels, iSeaTree provides key gameplay elements that make it easy and fun for users to have a 'species' scavenger hunt while learning and recording tree data. Users are also invited to share on social media their own personal tree map, which can be queried from the's dashboard. and iSeaTree are community managed tools founded and created by a local Shoreline resident (and Save Shoreline Trees supporter).
Visit and watch the video to learn more about how to sign up!