Private Development Projects
Save Shoreline Trees supports a balance between preservation of trees and housing developments. However, due to Shoreline Municipal Code and the cost of land, developers often clear-cut trees to gain the maximum square footage of a lot. Shoreline Municipal Code allows all trees to be cut down on seven (7) major development and commercial zones including Community Business, Neighborhood Business, Mixed Business, Town Center 1-2-3 and MUR-70’ zones. The new tree codes approved by Council in March 2022 pertain only to tree protection and preservation on residential zones, MUR-35’, MUR-45’, and Town Center-4 zones.
Effective April 5, 2022, per Ordinance 955 and Shoreline Municipal Code, all trees six inches (6”) in diameter at breast height (dbh) are considered significant; at least 25% of significant trees on a given development site must be retained; and, the removal of any tree 24” dbh and greater requires a clearing and grading permit from the City. Additional protection applies to trees on MUR-35’ and MUR-45’ zones. A complete list of new tree codes is contained in Ordinance 955 and Ordinance 963.
Capital Projects 2024
Link to City of Shoreline Capital Projects