N 148th St. Non-Motorized Bridge

This project is in the design phase which means we have an opportunity to make an impact on how many trees can be saved. This is a critical time to be vocal, to write letters, and speak for the trees!
N. 148th St Non-Motorized Bridge

Save Shoreline Trees comments make a difference:
CITY COUNCIL MEETING - June 1, 2020. Agenda Item Report 9a, page 9a-8 … “multiple comments regarding the preservation of Significant trees” were made on the recent City survey about the N. 148th St Non-Motorized Bridge project; and, “West Trail Connection, Option 3, Full Build Out (North)” shifts “the trail alignment north to minimize impact to both the Significant trees and the existing church parking.” 

Preferred Design Recommendations:

  • West Trail Connection – Option 3: Full Build-Out (North) (see short description above)

  • Bridge Structure – Option 2: Tied Arch

  • East Bridge Landing – Option 3: Direct Ramp

Answers to Save Shoreline Trees from Project Manager (June 2, 2020):

  • This project was a study item at the June 1, 2020 City Council meeting. What is the next step? …the 3 design recommendations will be progressed forward, meaning the design team will proceed with design of this concept. It’s worth noting this is still a concept and there are a lot of details that will be determined as we move into the design and we coordinate with property owners. The location and width should remain the same. From this point on we will provide the council with updates through the City Manager, but additional formal presentations directly to Council are not currently planned.

  • When will Open House #2 be scheduled?
    We are targeting late summer for Open House #2.

  • Why is this called a “non-motorized bridge”?
    I agree that this is an awkward name, and has to do with the way the project was set up originally in the capital improvement program. Because there is grant funding associated with the name, we are stuck with it. By non-motorized, we really mean pedestrian and bicycle. Electric bikes, wheelchairs and scooters will be allowed as well.

  • How many houses/other parcels fall into the MUR 70 classification?  “No tree retention requirements” -- does this mean no replacement trees?  
    Per the MUR-70 classification, tree retention and replacements are not required, however we will continue to look for opportunities to protect trees and/or plant additional trees along this project. If you have additional questions regarding zoning or requirements for the MUR-70 please contact Planning and Community Development at pcd@shorelinewa.gov 

    Contact information:
    Mr. Lea Bonebrake, Public Works
    Email:  lbonebrake@shorelinewa.gov
    Tel: 206-801-2475

    Save Shoreline Trees comment:
    We request that the City design this bridge to save all of the Significant trees at this site. How many years will it take replacement trees to reach the height and provide the benefits of the Significant trees removed? It is possible for design and development and established trees to co-exist.  Here is an opportunity to make a difference while this project is in the design phase.