Housing Bills in Review by WA Legislature
These bills will have impact on our environment, tree canopy and neighborhoods.
House Bill 1110 and Senate Bill 5190
SST is not against housing or development, these bills comes from a national push to benefit the building industry. In a time of climate crisis we need to speak for our existing trees and neighborhoods more than ever - right now!
If a middle housing bill passes, the State will mandate middle housing regulations.
Example of what could be required in Shoreline if a middle housing bill passes. (Source: SB 5190)
“A city with a population of at least 75,000, or any city located within a contiguous urban growth area with a city population above 200,000, must include authorization for at least:
four units per lot on all lots zoned for predominately residential use;
six units per lot on all lots zoned predominately for residential use, if at least two of the units are affordable housing; and
six units per lot on all lots zoned predominately for residential use within one-half mile of a major transit stop or community amenity.”
These bills will override city policies and planning, including impact fees, design review, environmental protections, and tree preservation.
Policy decisions will no longer be subject to appeal under SEPA.
Recent excellent articles about these bills
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SB 5466 / HB 1517 legalizes zoning for more apartment complexes near transit
SB 5466 / HB 1517 extend zoning for midsize apartment buildings within three-quarters of a mile from bus stops with frequent service, and larger apartment buildings within a quarter-mile of light rail stations.
What this means for Shoreline: more apartment building development.
An example: from the N 148th Light Rail station, more large apartment buildings, beyond the boundaries of the MUR-70’ zone. Senator Jesse Salomon is a sponsor of SB 5466.
URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Submit your comment today
Write directly to your representatives who support these companion bills.
SB 5190 Middle Housing Bill. https://app.leg.wa.gov/pbc/bill/5190
Senator Jesse Salomon (32nd LD)
Senator Javier Valdez (46th LD)
HB 1110 Middle Housing Bill. https://app.leg.wa.gov/pbc/bill/1110
Representative Cindy Ryu (32nd LD)
Representative Lauren Davis (32nd LD)
Representative Darya Farivar (46th LD)
Representative Gerry Pollet (46th LD)
Call the Hotline 800-562-6000 – Call this number and talk to a live person.Give your name and address, bill # and “oppose” to and staff will forward it to the district representative only.
Sample emails
(Senators get SB 5190; Representatives get HB 1110)
I oppose Middle Housing, Senate Bill 5190. Leave local regulations to local government. Many cities are in the midst of working on middle housing regulations that will be appropriate for our cities. Regarding “affordable housing”, there is no low-income or truly affordable mandate in SB 5190. There is no consideration for the environment, the tree canopy of the “Evergreen State”, or open space. This construction creates heat islands, more impervious surfaces, increased pollution, and lack of parking. Who really benefits from this bill? Those who have financial interest in building middle housing have convinced non-profits and commerce, and you who are supporting Bill 5190, into thinking this middle housing bill is the solution to housing. It is not the solution. Instead, it will destroy our cities and our neighborhoods while turning a profit for those who will gain financially, many who reside out of state. Leave decisions about middle housing to local government! Residents will then be able to participate in decisions that affect our neighborhoods and our environment. If middle housing is regulated by the State, local citizens will have no voice. This bill is not in the best interest of the citizens of Washington.
I oppose Middle Housing, House Bill 1110. Leave local regulations to local government. Many cities are in the midst of working on middle housing regulations that will be appropriate for our cities. Regarding “affordable housing”, there is no low-income or truly affordable mandate in HB 1110. There is no consideration for the environment, the tree canopy of the “Evergreen State”, or open space. This construction creates heat islands, more impervious surfaces, increased pollution, and lack of parking. Who really benefits from this bill? Those who have financial interest in building middle housing have convinced non-profits and commerce, and you who are supporting Bill 1110, into thinking this middle housing bill is the solution to housing. It is not the solution. Instead, it will destroy our cities and our neighborhoods while turning a profit for those who will gain financially, many who reside out of state. Leave decisions about middle housing to local government! Residents will then be able to participate in decisions that affect our neighborhoods and our environment. If middle housing is regulated by the State, local citizens will have no voice. This bill is not in the best interest of the citizens of Washington.