Our Mission
Save Shoreline Trees is dedicated to the preservation of our tall conifer and native tree canopy in Shoreline, Washington. We encourage and organize community activism to protect these tall trees which provide health benefits for us, our neighborhoods, and our environment. Preservation of these trees is our gift to future generations.
Our tall conifer and native trees provide a home for our wildlife, their roots clean our watersheds, their branches scrub our air of carbon and produce oxygen so we can breathe. Nothing can replace these trees. We need these trees now more than ever. Join us to speak for the trees and make this a part of your legacy to Shoreline.
~ Melody Fosmore, Co-Founder
2024 Goals
Support the preservation of Shoreline’s tall, mature conifer and native trees.
Encourage City leaders to consider citizen input in decisions about trees.
Increase community awareness regarding the benefits and value of all trees.
Advocate for City enforcement of tree protection codes.
The SST Board is volunteer based. Strategies are reviewed annually. Members are encouraged to connect with the SST Board with comments and suggestions.