Proposed Tree Codes in review by Planning CommissionAfter 6 months of reading, revising and writing tree codes, and comparing Shoreline tree codes to surrounding cities, the Tree Preservation Code Team, a group of Shoreline residents, submitted eleven (11) proposed tree code amendments to the City at the end of November 2020 for review in 2021. For the next 9 months, from January until October, City staff reviewed these proposed tree code amendments and presented the staff recommendation to the Planning Commission on October 7, 2021. City staff recommends denying most of the proposed substantive tree codes. Here is the link to the tree code presentation which includes codes proposed by the Tree Preservation Code Team with justifications, and City staff recommendation. Summary of tree codes is on page 1 following the City intro pages 1-4. Next step: the Planning Commission will continue to evaluate proposed tree codes at a study session on Nov. 4. After their study sessions the Planning Commission makes recommendations on each code, and the packet of proposed codes, City staff recommendations, and Planning Commission recommendations continue on to the Council for study and decision. To submit a comment to the Planning Commission about the proposed tree codes, email